Pisa Caboclo

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Song Lyrics

0:05 - Pisa caboclo quero ver você pisar

Eng: Step caboclo, I want to see you step

0:10 - Pisa lá que eu piso cá

Eng: Step there while I step here

0:11 - Quero ver você pisar

Eng: I want to see you step

0:14 - Pisa caboclo quero ver você pisar

Eng: Step caboclo, I want to see you step

0:19 - Na batido do meu gunga

Eng: To the beat of my gunga

0:21 - Quero ver você pisar

Eng: I want to see you step

0:23 - Pisa caboclo quero ver você pisar

Eng: Step caboclo, I want to see you step

0:28 - Pisa lá que eu piso cá

Eng: Step there while I step here

0:30 - Quero ver você pisar

Eng: I want to see you step

0:32 - Pisa caboclo quero ver você pisar

Eng: Step caboclo, I want to see you step

0:37 - Na batido do meu gunga

Eng: To the beat of my gunga

0:39 - Quero ver você pisar

Eng: I want to see you jump

0:42 - Pisa caboclo quero ver você pisar

Eng: Step caboclo, I want to see you step

History and sentiment behind song

Caboclo describes a Brazilian of mixed race, usually indigenous and African. The Samba de Caboclo is performed in terreiros (meeting places) of the candomblé religion. Caboclo is a name for a half blood / crossbreed.

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