Queda De Tres

Level: Beginner | Style: Angola

Tutorials, Step By Step guide, Tips & Follow Along Video

Drop on three.

Move Background

While the Cocorinha is employed mainly in Regional, Angoleiros favour the Queda de Tres instead. It is a low evasive manoeuvre with one and the legs on the ground. In the basic execution, the legs are bent as to stay close to the trunk, one arm is planted into the to create for extra stability. The other is freely order to guard the head and upper body.

Step by step guide

  • Falling back onto the wrists and one leg.
  • The other leg is up because this position is often "forced" when the player is taken down from being supported on a single leg.
  • For example: sweeping the base leg of armada leads the fallen player to, hopefully, end in this position.

Variations on Queda

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Category : Takedowns

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Category : Defense, Counters And Evasions

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