Mestre Jurandir Angola

Background, Style, History and Affiliations

Mestre Jurandir
Affiliated School or Organisation

Fundação Internacional de Capoeira Angola (Affiliate)

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Mestre Jurandir

Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Mestre Jurandir has dedicated his life to the cause and promotion of Capoeira Angola since 1970. He was one of the pioneers of the Grupo de Capoeira Angola Pelourinho (GCAP). In 1990, he started the N’GOLO Angola group in Minas Gerais, Brazil, which is presently affiliated with the International Capoeria Angola Foundation (ICAF).

Throughout his career Mestre Jurandir has been a constant presence in the cultural arts scene of the city of Belo Horizonte in Minas Gerais. He has organized numerous events aimed at promoting Capoeira Angola as an important aspect of Afro-Brazilian culture and history among children and young adults.

One of Mestre Jurandir’s principle preoccupations has long been the promotion and teaching of Capoeira Angola to children. Through the art form, he seeks to instill in children not only the mental and physical discipline to perform the complex movements of the game, but also an understanding of the music accompanying the art form and the cultural and historical significance of its lyrics.

Mestre Jurandir has also conducted various workshops at college campuses throughout the United States as part of the ICAF\’s international cultural exchange program and has been instrumental in the formation of ICAF affiliate groups in Austin, Texas, Oakland, California, Seattle, Washington, and Maputo, Mozambique. Mestre Jurandir now travels back and forth between the United States and Brazil to supervise the foundation’s projects and efforts.

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