Capoeira Arte Canarana

Style: Contemporânea

Background, Founders, Members, Locations and Affiliations

Capoeira Arte Canarana

Year Founded

First Location


School Style

Groups In





• Singapore

Association of Capoeira Argola De Ouro was founded by Mestre Ousado in London in 1990 and in 2002, he brought Capoeira to Singapore with the first school to be stablished in South East Asia – The Association of Capoeira Argola De Ouro (Singapore). Capoeira in Singapore through the efforts of the association became recognized and a respected form of martial arts. Capoeira through the efforts of the Association of Capoeira Argola De Ouro is fast becoming a recognized and respected martial art and art form. Since 2004, we have held annual International Capoeira Festivals through which local students and capoeiristas from abroad have a chance to exchange the culture and understanding of capoeira. Association of Capoeira Argola De Ouro work has been recognized by the Singapore Sports Council in their Sports Education Programme, the National Arts Council’s Art Education Programme and the People’s Association through the capoeira lessons in the local community centre for members of t

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Capoeira Arte Canarana


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