Sai, Sai, Catarina

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Sai, Sai, Catarina

Song Lyrics

0:08 - Sai sai Catarina

Eng: Come out, come out Catarina

0:11 - saia do mar Venha ver Idalina

Eng: Get out of the sea, Idalina comes to see

0:14 - Sai sai Catarina

Eng: Come out, come out Catarina

0:17 - Saia do mar venha ver, venha ver

Eng: Get out of the sea come see, come see

0:20 - Sai sai Catarina

Eng: Come out, come out Catarina

0:23 - saia do mar Venha ver Idalina

Eng: Get out of the sea, Idalina comes to see

0:26 - Sai sai Catarina

Eng: Come out, come out Catarina

0:29 - Sai do mar, venha ver, venha ver

Eng: Get out of the sea, come see, come see

0:32 - Sai sai Catarina

Eng: Come out, come out Catarina

0:35 - saia do mar Venha ver Idalina

Eng: Get out of the sea, Idalina comes to see

History and sentiment behind song

This song is about a guy who wants his girl Catarina to leave the sea and come see him. This song is really just a macho idea of attracting a woman' attention.

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