Berimbau Falou

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Berimbau Falou

Song Lyrics

0:52 - Falou, fala da escravidao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of slavery, he spoke

0:57 - Falou, fala da oprecao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of oppression, he spoke

1:02 - Falou, la nos tempos de Bimba falou

Eng: He spoke, there in the times of Bimba, he spoke

1:07 - Falou, hoje se escutou

Eng: He spoke, was heard today

1:11 - Hoje falou

Eng: Today he spoke

1:12 - Falou, fala da escravidao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of slavery, he spoke

1:18 - Falou, fala da oprecao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of oppression, he spoke

1:23 - Falou, la nos tempos de Bimba falou

Eng: He spoke, there in the times of Bimba, he spoke

1:28 - Falou, hoje se escutou

Eng: He spoke, was heard today

1:33 - O nego que sofria na Senzala

Eng: The negro that suffers in the slave quarters

1:38 - trabalhava na fazenda do feitor

Eng: Worked on the overseer's plantation

1:43 - e um dia ele escutou um lamento

Eng: And one day he heard a lament

1:46 - era Zumbi dos Palmares

Eng: It was Zumbi of Palmares

1:49 - foi ele quem libertou

Eng: It was he who freed him

1:51 - Hoje falou

Eng: Today he spoke

1:53 - Falou, fala da escravidao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of slavery, he spoke

1:58 - Falou, fala da oprecao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of oppression, he spoke

2:03 - Falou, la nos tempos de Bimba falou

Eng: He spoke, there in the times of Bimba, he spoke

2:08 - Falou, hoje se escutou

Eng: He spoke, was heard today

2:13 - Berimbau ajudava os capoeiras

Eng: Berimbau helped the capoeiristas

2:18 - la no tempo la no tempo da oprecao

Eng: There in the time, there in the time of oppression

2:23 - se escutava toque de Cavalaria

Eng: If you heard the rhythm of Cavalaria

2:27 - quando a policia se vinha

Eng: When the police followed

2:29 - Berimbau ja me avizou

Eng: Berimbau already warned me

2:31 - Hoje falou

Eng: Today he spoke

2:33 - Falou, fala da escravidao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of slavery, he spoke

2:38 - Falou, fala da oprecao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of oppression, he spoke

2:43 - Falou, la nos tempos de Bimba falou

Eng: He spoke, there in the times of Bimba, he spoke

2:48 - Falou, hoje se escutou

Eng: He spoke, was heard today

2:53 - Manuel foi um mestre respeitado

Eng: Manuel was the respected master

2:58 - criador da arte da Regional

Eng: Creator of the Regional art

3:03 - hoje em dia seu nome sera lembrado

Eng: Today his name will be remembered

3:07 - ja nao se esquece do home

Eng: Now don’t forget the man

3:10 - que a Capoeira falou

Eng: that spoke Capoeira

3:11 - Hoje falou

Eng: Today he spoke

3:13 - Falou, fala da escravidao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of slavery, he spoke

3:18 - Falou, fala da oprecao falou

Eng: He spoke, spoke of oppression, he spoke

3:23 - Falou, la nos tempos de Bimba falou

Eng: He spoke, there in the times of Bimba, he spoke

3:28 - Falou, hoje se escutou

Eng: He spoke, was heard today

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