Adeus, Adeus Nordeste De Amaralina

Lyrics, Translations, Music Video and Song Meaning

Adeus, Adeus Nordeste De Amaralina

Author: Mestre Busca Longe

Author: Mestre Busca Longe

Song Lyrics

0:07 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

0:11 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

0:16 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

0:20 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

0:24 - Nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Northeast Amaralina

0:26 - Onde tudo começou

Eng: Where it all began

0:29 - Terreiro de Bimba

Eng: Land of Bimba

0:31 - Muito bamba ali formou

Eng: Too much shame there formed

0:32 - Adeus, adeus

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye

0:33 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

0:38 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

0:42 - Dona Alice prepara a barbada

Eng: Dona Alice prepares the beard

0:44 - Bebida servida por Bimba

Eng: Drink served by Bimba

0:46 - Na festa de formatura

Eng: At the graduation party

0:49 - No nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: In the northeast of Amaralina

0:51 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

0:56 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

1:00 - Lenço de seda azul

Eng: Blue silk scarf

1:02 - No pescoço era usado

Eng: The neck was worn

1:04 - Receber das mãos do mestre

Eng: Receiving from the master's hand

1:06 - O símbolo do batizado

Eng: The baptism symbol

1:09 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

1:14 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

1:18 - Até mesmo a iúna

Eng: Even the iúna

1:20 - Seu canto não ouço mais

Eng: Your singing I don't hear anymore

1:22 - Disse adeus a mestre Bimba

Eng: Said goodbye to Master Bimba

1:24 - Que se foi para Goiás

Eng: That went to Goiás

1:26 - Adeus, adeus

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye

1:28 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

1:32 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

1:36 - Saudoso mestre Bimba

Eng: Missing Master Bimba

1:38 - Criador da regional

Eng: Regional Creator

1:41 - Seu nome será lembrado

Eng: Your name will be remembered

1:43 - Onde tocar o berimbau

Eng: Where to play the berimbau

1:46 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

1:51 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

1:56 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

2:00 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

2:05 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

2:09 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

2:13 - Adeus, adeus

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye

2:14 - Adeus, adeus nordeste de Amaralina

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye northeast of Amaralina

2:19 - Adeus, adeus saudades de mestre Bimba

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye, miss Master Bimba

2:22 - Adeus, adeus

Eng: Goodbye, goodbye

History and sentiment behind song

Mestre Bimba encouraged his students to go to his house at the North East of Amaralina, Amaralina Beach is a famous beach in Bahia. Mestre Bimba believed that the air on the top of the hills was purer that the air in the city. Mestre Bimba held the formal graduation of his student at this place.

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